Cheat Codes Club
Cheat Codes Index - Arcade - A Games 1 - 100 of 171.

Cheats for Recent Systems:
GameBoy Advance | Game Cube | Macintosh | Nintendo DS | Nintendo Wii
PC - Windows | Playstation | Playstation 2 | Playstation 3 | PSP | Xbox | Xbox 360

Cheats for Other Systems:
3DO | Amiga | Arcade | Atari 2600 | Atari 5200
Atari 7800 | CD-i | Colecovision | Commodore 64 | Dreamcast
DVD Video | Game Gear | Game.Com | GameBoy | GameBoy Color
Genesis | Intellivision | Jaguar | Lynx | Master System
NeoGeo | NeoGeo Pocket | NES | N-Gage | Nintendo 64
Pinball | Saturn | Sega 32X | Sega CD | SNES
TurboGrafx 16 | Vectrex | Virtual Boy

0 - 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Game Name (Exact Search)

Game Name (Inexact Search)

1. Arctic Thunder Arctic Thunder
2. Area 51 Area 51
3. A.P.B. A.P.B.
4. Adventures Of Major Havoc Adventures Of Major Havoc
5. Alpine Racer Alpine Racer
6. Alpine Racer 2 Alpine Racer 2
7. Alpine Surfer Alpine Surfer
8. Aqua Jet Aqua Jet
9. Arena Skateboarding Arena Skateboarding
10. AAArgh! AAArgh!
11. Action Fighter Action Fighter
12. Aero Fighters Aero Fighters
13. Aero Fighters 2 Aero Fighters 2
14. Aero Fighters 3 Aero Fighters 3
15. After Burner After Burner
16. Aggressors of Dark Kombat Aggressors of Dark Kombat
17. Air Combat Air Combat
18. Air Duel Air Duel
19. Air Raid Air Raid
20. Air Rescue Air Rescue
21. Ajax Ajax
22. Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle
23. Alice in Wonderland Alice in Wonderland
24. Alien Crush Alien Crush
25. Alien Storm Alien Storm
26. Alien Syndrome Alien Syndrome
27. Alien vs. Predator Alien vs. Predator
28. Aliens Aliens
29. All-Japan Pro Wrestling featuring Virtua All-Japan Pro Wrestling featuring Virtua
30. Altered Beast Altered Beast
31. Amazon Amazon
32. Andro Dunos Andro Dunos
33. Angel Eyes Angel Eyes
34. Antarctic Adventure Antarctic Adventure
35. Arcade Classics Arcade Classics
36. Arch Rivals Arch Rivals
37. Arkanoid Arkanoid
38. Arkanoid Returns Arkanoid Returns
39. Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh Arkanoid: Revenge of Doh
40. Armor Attack Armor Attack
41. Art of Fighting Art of Fighting
42. Art of Fighting 2 Art of Fighting 2
43. Art of Fighting 3 Art of Fighting 3
44. Assault Assault
45. Asterix Asterix
46. Asteroids Asteroids
47. Astro Blaster Astro Blaster
48. Athena Athena
49. Atomic Punk Atomic Punk
50. Atomic Robo-Kid Atomic Robo-Kid
51. Avenging Spirit Avenging Spirit
52. Aa Eikou No Koshien Aa Eikou No Koshien
53. AB Cop AB Cop
54. Ab$cam Ab$cam
55. Ace Ace
56. Ace Driver Ace Driver
57. Ace Driver Victory Lap Ace Driver Victory Lap
58. Acrobat Acrobat
59. Acrobat Mission Acrobat Mission
60. Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon Act-Fancer: Cybernetick Hyper Weapon
61. Action Pac Action Pac
62. Adventure Quiz 2: Hatena? no Daibouken Adventure Quiz 2: Hatena? no Daibouken
63. Adventure Quiz: Capcom World Adventure Quiz: Capcom World
64. Aeroboto Aeroboto
65. After Burner II After Burner II
66. Air Assault Air Assault
67. Air Buster Air Buster
68. Air Combat 22 Air Combat 22
69. Air Gallet Air Gallet
70. Air Inferno Air Inferno
71. Air Trix Air Trix
72. Airline Pilots Airline Pilots
73. Airwolf Airwolf
74. Akka Arrh Akka Arrh
75. Akkanvader Akkanvader
76. Albegas Albegas
77. Alcon Alcon
78. Aleste 2 Aleste 2
79. Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars
80. Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
81. Alien 3: The Gun Alien 3: The Gun
82. Alien Arena Alien Arena
83. Alien Invader Alien Invader
84. All American Football All American Football
85. Alley Master Alley Master
86. Alley Rally Alley Rally
87. Alligator Hunt Alligator Hunt
88. Alpha Mission Alpha Mission
89. Alpha Mission II Alpha Mission II
90. Alpine Ski Alpine Ski
91. Amatelass Amatelass
92. Ambush Ambush
93. Ameri Darts Ameri Darts
94. American Football American Football
95. American Horseshoes American Horseshoes
96. American Speedway American Speedway
97. Amidar Amidar
98. Amman De Pinky Amman De Pinky
99. Angel Kids Angel Kids
100. Angler Dangler Angler Dangler

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